Why Strategyze

Competitive Edge


Our recognition and alignment with our clients’ priorities is what sets us apart. Our philosophy at STRATEGYZE Financial and Insurance Solutions is to work with you to take into account more than just your financial data; to consider the environmental, emotional, and social factors that can impact the economics of your daily decisions. You and your situation are unique and our in-depth analysis will result in a personalized strategy for making financial decisions that fuel your priorities for you and your family.



At the heart of any investment is Risk Tolerance and Time Horizon. Both these can change over time which is why we provide periodic reviews of each client’s portfolio. That being said, the risk assessment process we use is complex and we have software that is second to none when aiding clients in analyzing and establishing their risk tolerance parameters. Use our tool provided below to determine your risk tolerance level. This will be one of the key foundational elements upon which we build your customized strategy upon.

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Client Interface


We believe in many situations that integrating a variety of solutions for our clients, rather than using just a single type works best to achieve success. When developing strategies for our clients, we find that tactics such as integrating whole life insurance into a retirement income plan can create a more efficient outcome for income and legacies. It is often difficult for financial markets to perform well enough for an investments-only strategy to provide better outcomes than an integrated strategy.

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  • All Your Accounts on One Page.
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Professional Network


Over the years we’ve formed relations with a network of trusted professionals. This includes, but is not limited to, estate planning attorneys, certified public accountants, real estate agents, mortgage lenders, and more. Similar to how we acknowledge we won’t necessarily be the best fit for every potential client, the same can be said for matches within our professional network. This is why we take the time to refer three different professionals, at your request. This allows you to decide the best fit for you and your family. Furthermore, we aren’t financially compensated by said third parties. We feel this is the only way to provide a non-biased view on all referred professionals.



What makes our company an ideal partner to secure your financial future? What makes us who we are? The B.U.I.L.D. Program will help familiarize you with our defining principles of partnership.

We take great pride in prioritizing an open and honest dialogue with all our clients, but we feel we can always do better. One area we are constantly reevaluating is how we service our clients. There is a constant stream of new tools, methods and platforms ready for accessible resource. Our appetite for feedback is bottomless and we hope you will join our other clients in making suggestions to help us better our client experience.

Insurance and financial services can be a tedious process at times. Like all humans we are not immune to imperfection. Having said that, our commitment to consistently double check our work and calculations pave the way for a smooth and enjoyable working relationship. This commitment extends to all our services regardless of account type and/or size.

Our charitable contributions and community involvement highlight our commitment to the neighborhoods where we work and live. Whether through simple donation or a more hands-on approach, we are always doing our best to impart positive impact to those in need. Feel free to submit any suggestions, big or small, as we strive to better the community around us.

We live in a day and age where everything moves at a faster pace. The average person has access to more information. Investment opportunities are becoming more vast. Companies seem to be evolving on a continuous basis. While all these things appear to be positive, we have seen where these advancements can lead to poor decision making. The most notable case being where people take advice of those ill-equipped to provide it. This is why we’ve integrated industry leading software and technology. It gives our clients the peace of mind knowing that the tools being used to facilitate our process are first class.

Education is the foundation for how we operate. We strive to seek and incorporate innovation, while continuing to observe the time-tested financial fundamentals at the heart of our analysis and planning sessions.